Managing Kubernetes Applications

Concepts of Managing Kubernetes Application

- ReplicaSet
- Autoscaling
- Rolling Updates
- Config Maps & Secrets
- Service Binding


1. Manages pods and checks whether pods are running or not
2. It has ability of replicating pods, when the existing pods fails.
3. Maintains desired state

How to create ReplicaSet ?

1. One is automatically created when you create a deployement.
2. Second, is you can create from scratch in YAML file with "kind" attribute set to "ReplicaSet".
And you can even define no. of ReplicaSet. Suppose we set to 1, so you will get the single pod.


1. ReplicaSets provide a good start for scaling.
2. Horizontal pod Autoscaler (HDA) enables scaling up and down as needed.
3. Can configure based on Desired state of CPU, memory etc.

How to Create Autoscale ?

You can Autoscale a Deployement by using "autoscale" command with the same attribute in order to autoscale.
